Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Shopping For Sleep And Happiness?

In spite of all the beautiful decorations, for many people the holidays are anything but magical.  While there are many reasons why people get down in the dumps this time of year, there is one cause that many find surprising: lack of sleep.  If you’ve been suffering from a low mood, a stop at one of the mattress stores Orange County has available may not have been your first thought, but it might be an important first step toward feeling better.


How Sleep Affects Your Mood

Everyone knows intuitively that they feel more grumpy the day after they miss hours of sleep, but science has actually broken the effect of sleep deprivation down for us.  Lack of sleep can:
  • Increase negative feelings like irritability, hostility, and aggression
  • Decrease your ability to regulate those negative feelings
  • Decrease your positive feelings like contentment, humor and empathy
  • Decrease your ability to feel pleasant things.

So, in short, when you’re underslept you’re more likely to get angry and less likely to be able to control it.  You’re also less likely to feel good in the first place, but if you do feel something pleasant, it doesn’t feel as good as it would if you were adequately rested.

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