Friday, March 10, 2017

Ways to Prepare for DST

Daylight saving time starts again this March 12. We will again lose that much-needed extra hour of sleep as the clock sets forward an hour earlier. Here are a few tips to ensure you won’t become sleep-deprived:

  • One of the practical and helpful ways to prepare is to make sure that your children get good naps in a comfortable Orange County mattress a few days preceding the time shift. Even adults may need to do this to handle the change with ease. A short nap of 20 minutes can be revitalizing without making nighttime sleeping harder for both you and your kids.

  • Control the lights. Melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate your body's internal circadian clock, is produced when it is dark. Turn off the lights and all electronic gadgets 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime to help your body transition into the new earlier sleep pattern.
  • Get a Sleep Break. After the change to daylight saving time, you can also take a short nap in the afternoon -- not too close to bedtime.

  • Make sure to keep regular hours. Sleep and wake up every day at the same time to regulate the sleep pattern and a moderate  30 minutes walk not too close to bedtime three times a week can also help.

  • Avoid spicy or fatty food or having too much food in your stomach in the evening as this can cause indigestion which eventually leads to insomnia. Eating light and simple food several hours before bed will give you a  better night's sleep.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine hours before bedtime as it can trigger insomnia attacks too.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Habits That Can Make or Break Your Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping even if you are on great Orange County mattress, you are in a perfect position, and even if you are in a cool room? A good night sleep is a common desire for many, however, for some, it is an unachievable luxury. You might not be aware, but there might be some culprits as to why you can't or is having trouble sleeping.

Here are a few things to avoid to achieve better sleep:

1. Cigarettes. Nicotine found in cigarettes is a potent stimulant. A study shows that cigarette smokers, depending on their level of use and dependence, can develop insomnia if they smoke too close to bedtime. Aside from sleep deprivation, the toxic chemical in cigarettes can harm the heart, can cause depression, anxiety attacks, cancer, and several other health issues.

2. Caffeine. The National Sleep Foundation found that caffeine is the most popular drug in the world. Just like coffee, tea and soda also contain caffeine that can cause sleep disturbances. The effects of caffeine on sleep depend on the total amount of caffeine consumed within the day. It is advisable to drink caffeine only in the morning.

3. Late night snacksHappy hour snacks should be chosen intelligently. Natural sources of melatonin like cherries are best recommended.